Wanna learn how to self-regulate & stabilize yourself like a ninja EVEN WHEN you get triggered? 

Deactivate your triggers, regulate your emotions, and clearly & calmly communicate how you feel with tangible tools, teachings, and transformational healing practices and a community of like-minded souls.

Yes please!

What people are saying...

I'm ready!

Hi, I'm ThaiHa :)

I'm a certified somatic healing mentor, breathwork facilitator, and relationship coach. 

I've helped hundreds of humans completely transform their lives and their relationships by getting to and healing the ROOT cause of their issues.

I'm on a mission to help you gain the guidance & tools to cultivate safety & stability within your own body - so you can feel grounded and secure no matter what life throws at you.



Aubree Cortez

"The membership has given me the opportunity to be a part of a community with like-minded people who are on a healing and growth journey. It's really kept me on track with my practices."


Mai Mspire

"I would go into the call extremely restless and come out of the call extremely peaceful and grounded. I am forever grateful and I highly recommend it to anyone.”


Caroline Guiterez

"I'd go into these sessions feeling scattered and not clear on how to shift things. Through the sessions, I'd feel so connected to my essence again. ThaiHa has a really powerful healing energy about her. I highly recommend anyone who's feeling that pull to just experience it."

I'm ready to feel grounded!

membership is for you if...

🌞 You want to build a foundation of d
aily habits that help you deactivate triggers so you can feel stable and secure in your body

🌞 You desire emotional regulation tools so you stop overthinking, overreacting, and dumping on people in your life

🌞 You want to strengthen your communication skills so you can stay calm, non-reactive, and loving even through conflict

🌞 You are ready to greatly accelerate your personal growth journey by getting consistent with the self-care practices you know you need to implement

🌞 You've realized that reaching the next level of your life requires you to open yourself up to support

🌞 You desire to connect with other like-minded souls on the journey who can lift you up and reflect back to you your highest self

Sign me up!

What You'll Get Inside The Membership


W E E K L Y  S U P P O R T

ThaiHa will upload a new 10-30 minute video each week with tools & teachings to your online portal.

These videos will rotate between education / Q&A and implementable practices that will help you cultivate stability & security within yourself.

You will receive immediate access to an online portal with tons of resources. Think "on-demand coaching"... But better.

R E G U L A T I O N  & 
R E L A T I O N A L  T O O L S 

You'll be guided through tangible tools, strategies, & practices that will help you clear out trapped emotions and regulate your nervous system.

You'll be taught how to ground yourself EVEN WHEN you get triggered so you can clearly & calmly communicate how you're feeling and show up as your most authentic self.

C O N N E C T I O N  + 
C O M M U N I T Y 

You'll gain access to a world-wide community of beautiful souls who desire to feel grounded & become the most ideal versions of themselves.

You'll get to practice emotional regulation skills together and create authentic relationships through an online community where you can stay connected all week long.


$33 / month

  • Two (2) educational / Q&A videos each month to help you learn how to deactivate your triggers & communicate clearly in your life

  • Two (2) tangible tools / practice videos each month to support you in releasing trapped emotions & regulating your nervous system

  • Online portal access -  a huge hub of resources for you to use at ANY time
  • An online community where you can connect with other like-minded souls and receive support

  • BONUS - LIVE coaching session w/ ThaiHa at least 1x per month within the online community
  • You can cancel anytime!
Let's do this thang!


$396 $330 / year

  • Everything included in monthly package

  • 2 months FREE access 🎉
  • VIP BONUS: 30 minute one-on-one Breakthrough Session w/ ThaiHa ($250 value!)
Let's do this thang!

What people are saying...



I'm ready to join!